SIR - How is it that money can always be found for youth activities in other parts of Bradford, but nothing whatsoever for Baildon? There is nowhere for the youngsters to meet now that The Hut' has been forced to close.

Paul Marsh and Liz Simpson deserved more support after giving up so much of their time voluntarily. These dedicated volunteers should not have to find £4,000 themselves in order to have the building removed. As Bradford Council has not funded any facilities for this age group in Baildon, surely it could take over responsibility for the removal of the building?

If thousands of pounds of council taxpayers' money can be spent on removing flytipped rubbish and litter in the district, the removal of this building would cost chicken feed in comparison. While it has been there it has been of benefit to the community whereas the litter and rubbish have not.

E M Baxter, Hoyle Court Road, Baildon