SIR - The article Power bill hikes cost Council £2m' (T&A, August 31) seems to show our Council tinkering when they should be transforming.

Why is the Central Library the only Council building with solar photo-voltaic (PV) panels on it?

Why is the Council approving new school buildings without big arrays of wind turbines and PV panels?

And most amazing of all, why did the planners approve the renovation of the Manchester Road flats with wind turbines but no PV panels?

The sloping metal structures on the roofs are merely features' which look as if they might accommodate solar panels: unfortunately they face away from the sun!

We need a leap into the future for our city - large wind turbines, a ring of dancing angels, around the rim of Bradford. Swaffham in Norfolk has two large free-standing wind turbines for 4,000 people. Bradford has one for 450,000!

John D Anderson, Bramham Drive, Baildon