The drive to create a healthier society has never been more co-ordinated or pronounced. Attacks on overeating, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise and smoking have all been launched with gusto in recent years and most of us accept that many aspects of our lifestyle are not as wholesome as we would wish.

But we have to square that with the fact that we are all living busier lifestyles at the moment, with many more demands on our time.

A huge number of us spend our working days in offices, eating on the hoof and sitting at computers for long stretches at a time.

There is not always the chance to eat healthily or take exercise. But workers at Bradford and Airedale Primary Care Trust are determined that we should not get off the hook that easily.

They are teaming up with local firms to organise visits into premises and give healthy living tips to employees at their desks.

With advice available on everything from smoking and exercise to mental health and anger management, this is a great chance for health workers to get the message across to a captive audience.

It's also the perfect opportunity for workers who say they haven't the time or energy to seek out a healthier lifestyle to take advantage of the best health advice from the professionals, and for bosses to do all they can to ensure a healthy workforce.