SIR – Having made a trip back to Bradford and travelling back out via Manchester Road, I was amazed to see signs and flashing speed boards indicating the dual carriageway is now a 30mph restricted highway.

Apart from the lower end of Wakefield Road, there cannot be another road in the district that has more safety measures spent on it.

The road has more barriers than Silverstone, more lights than Blackpool and more pedestrian bridges than Newcastle, so why has hundreds of thousands of pounds been spent, and why are police vehicles tailing cars doing 32mph when the road has been suitable for 40mph since it opened?

If it is to do with safety, why not charge the idiots that climb over the barriers because they are too bone idle to cross at the expensive pelican crossing or encourage parents to teach road safety to youngsters?

If it’s safety you want, then why not dig the road up like the rest of Bradford centre? Having moved away from my place of birth after 35 years, I’m just glad it’s no longer my tax payments that you are wasting!

Paul Summerfield, Somerton Drive, Hatfield Woodhouse