SIR – It is revealing to find Mr Bird, with his UKIP connection, supporting an unelected Head of State in this country ie The Queen and her family (Letters, May 4).

Many UKIP supporters constantly hit out at the European Union for their ‘so-called’ unaccountability, and yet Mr Bird takes the opposite view when it comes to one group of extremely rich, unelected people whose credentials for the positions they hold is that they were ‘born into it’.

Clearly Mr Bird is prepared to make an exception in the case of The Windsors.

It is also a red herring (pun intended!) to call all supporters of Britain becoming a republic “Old Labour” and then in contradictory fashion to claim Tony Blair would be their choice!

Many people believe in meritocracy for all, ie the chance for young people to rise to the highest positions, based on their abilities.

Have you so little confidence in the people in our country that you could not envisage anyone at all able to do the job?

The monarchy is an outdated relic. Britain needs to move on to a new era of confidence in itself and its citizens.

David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Shipley