SIR – I have to agree with Councillor Geoff Reid on the subject of horse droppings (T&A March 16).

I enjoy wandering the lanes and tracks of the local countryside. As I walk along I find I have to slalom between the large mounds of fly-infested piles of the stuff.

Now, I know it is difficult to tread in these mountains of manure because of their size, the smell emanating from them and the noise from the buzzing flies, but they do little to enhance the ambience of our countryside.

I am not against horse riding – indeed, I do invest the odd five bob on the nose of one of these noble creatures every Grand National Day – but I do object strongly to those equine lovers who leave their charges’ excrement wherever it drops.

Dog owners are made to clean up after their pets. Would it be too much to ask that our horse lovers do the same?

The extra burden of carrying a carrier bag and a shovel should not distress the horse too much and it would make walks along our country lanes much more pleasant.

Steve Paley, Harper Crescent, Bradford