Bradford proved once again that it mean business on Saturday night.

A glittering night at the Aagrah Midpoint saw the best and brightest of Bradford’s business people garlanded at the T&A’s Bradford Means Business Awards.

And those who were there could not fail to be impressed by the incredible diversity of ability, talent and enthusiasm on display.

The winners ranged from Kumar Patel and the 19 staff he employs at his Patson Local store to the 1,000-strong workforce of Incommunities which was our Employer of the Year.

The awards also highlighted the technical innovation of Image Analysis with its medical software, and the environmentally friendly approach of architects Rance, Booth and Smith.

All the winners and all those shortlisted showed just how strong the spirit of enterprise is in Bradford.

Individuals and teams alike were highlighted by our judging panel, who were rightly impressed by the quality of all who entered.

And the various sponsors of the awards are also worthy of praise for their wholehearted backing of this celebration of Bradford’s entrepreneurial spirit. After all, if we don’t shout about it ourselves, no one else is going to.

The evening proved to be an event worthy of highlighting the best of Bradford’s businesses.

If we can harness the energy and spirit of all these companies, then the future for business in Bradford should be very bright.

And after the glitter has been swept away and the champagne lost its fizz, these firms will continue to move forward and help take the city forward at the same time, proving that Bradford really does mean business.