SIR - Although I live in Bingley I very rarely visit the depressing eyesore which is Myrtle Walk shopping centre in Bingley, purely because it is so depressing and run down.

However, this weekend I ventured in and found the whole experience horrifying. The centre was filthy with piles of pigeon droppings on seats and the walkways which didn't seem to have been cleaned for weeks.

There were piles of rubbish littering the whole area and the boarded-up shops and windows were testimony to neglect along with the broken seating, and this was on the weekend of Bingley Show.

There are people being paid to look after our town centre and officials who have been elected to look after our interests, so why is it such a disgrace?

I feel sorry for the people having to work in the few businesses which are clinging on in Myrtle Walk and I believe the people in Bingley deserve much better than this.

Mrs Binns, Lock View, Bailey Hills, Bingley

  • David Dinsey, Bingley town centre manager, said: "We share the reader's concerns about the Myrtle Walk shopping precinct, which is a privately-owned building. We have contacted the owners about the pigeon mess and the rubbish and have been assured that it will be resolved. The areas around the shopping precinct are cleaned by the Council every day but we cannot clean private property."