SIR - After the latest attack by a dog on a child (T&A, August 14) it should be time to ensure we do not keep reading about such incidents.

Legislation is overdue making it illegal for owners not to keep their dogs on a lead when in the public domain.

When a dog is running around off the lead it is not under control regardless of what the owner says.

I believe a dog should have to wear a muzzle outside the home if it is not tethered. It may not be fair on the dog but what is important - a dog being unhappy for a short while each day or a child suffering, possibly, a long-term trauma?

I have a feeling the majority would be more concerned about the effect on the dog.

All dogs will bite, but thankfully all don't. The priority should be ensuring they never do.

All owners should be subject to paying an annual licence fee, have insurance and possibly the dogs to be tagged.

Most of all, dog owners should show a sense of responsibility for others.

William Oliver, Gerard House, Fairhaven Green, Bradford