SIR – That Labour has a new Shadow Chancellor so soon comes as no surprise after the ineptitude shown by the previous incumbent Alan Johnson MP almost from day one.

But however well-informed on economics the new man Ed Balls may be, what of his previous record as Education Secretary when he supported the idea of a new ‘dual faith’ high school on Merseyside?

It could prove to be a multi-million-pound millstone round the neck of Knowsley’s taxpayers for the next 25 years under PFT terms, as many parents there decided to send their kids to single faith schools miles away – so that expensive building is redundant.

Also, in the run-up to the 2010 General Election, Mr Balls seemed to have quite different ideas on reducing the budget deficit to those of former Chancellor Alistair Darling, which were the basis of Labour’s election manifesto.

Maybe Ed Miliband will find it hard to control such a potential loose cannon, especially such an ambitious one – but only time will tell.

D S Boyes, Rodley Lane, Leeds