SIR - Recently, on a short flight to Leeds Bradford Airport from London Heathrow, we discovered the airline had only delivered four of our five bags on arrival. The other bag was sent the next day, thank goodness.

Now that everything has to go into the luggage, and we know luggage disappears into "Lost Luggage Heaven", what happens if someone's ipod, laptop computer, DVD player, or anything electronic disappears?

Is the airline still going to give us a measly sum of money to replace the clothes and said items? I think not. And they don't want us to lock our luggage - another joke.

Also, what happens to all the items that had to be put in "trash" bins in all the mayhem? Do you really think they threw it all away? Someone got a lot of shampoo bottles, toothpaste etc.

I know the height of security has to be this way, but can someone tell me why of all that cargo that is boarded, only a small percentage is checked? Isn't that how Lockerbie happened?

If passengers are to be scrutinised, then check everything that goes on an aircraft.

Diane Duguid, East 4th Street, Deer Park, New York