SIR - I am extremely pleased a major terrorist act has been averted and countless innocent lives saved, but once again there is a need for calm in the aftermath of such a significant event.

The actions of those involved are deeply saddening but it must be remembered they are the actions of a radicalised minority.

We cannot afford to allow their deeds to cause setbacks in community cohesion which is being slowly rebuilt following the events of last July.

It is vital the government, police and security and intelligence services establish and maintain an open dialogue with Britain's Muslim communities.

Muslim communities have a right to ask questions about the raids' impact on their lives but they must stay calm and engage in real dialogue with the police to understand the rationale behind this week's events.

Working closely with local groups and community leaders will ease tensions and address fears that Muslim communities are being criminalised.

It will also help the police gather better intelligence and work more successfully to prevent future terrorist attacks in the UK.

Dr Mohammed Ali, Chief Executive, QED UK, Manningham Lane, Bradford