SIR – I would like to agree with the letter of Councillor Glenn Miller (December 21) regarding the vulnerable being trapped by ice.

Why is this so at a time when technology is so advanced – ie severe weather warnings which, in recent weeks, have been accurate? Why can’t Bradford Council get together with the rest of the local Government and bring together young people who have committed a crime and been handed community service?

If all the young offenders were to join in small groups and go around the areas where vulnerable people live, they could clear and grit their pathways, allowing them a little more freedom.

This task could also be undertaken by the long-standing youngsters who claim jobseekers’ allowance and sit at home, week-in, week-out, only needing to make the one journey to claim their benefit.

With all hands on, the streets could be cleared and kept safe and walkable.

It is bad enough for us able-bodied to contend with the ice, slipping, sliding and trying to stay on two feet. What chance have the less able got in addition to wheelchair users and those with prams and buggies?

Jane Cowlishaw, Knowles Avenue, Bradford