SIR In a speech to the council meeting on June 27, the new leader of Bradford Council, Councillor Kris Hopkins, said: "Crime figures have improved but there is still a perception of crime. We must all seek to drive it out."

I raised an eyebrow at this blinkered statement at the time and wondered if I was living in a different world to that of Councillor Hopkins, pictured. Figures published by the Home Office (T&A, July 20) confirm my sanity!

In the past 12 months, according to the figures, sex attacks, robberies and violence have soared in some parts of the district, with Bradford North and South showing a staggering 29 and 31 per cent increase respectively in robberies.

Perhaps Councillor Hopkins would care to revise his perception of crime in the district in the light of these official Government statistics.

Jerry Gumeniuk, Rosse Field Park, Bradford