SIR Having never had the privilege of playing tennis with Lord Levy and Tony Blair, I can't pretend to be an authority.

But I must take issue with Philip Bird, who argues that women players "by the very nature of their womanly physiques" don't deserve equal pay at Wimbledon because they play less dynamically (T&A, July 10).

Some years ago the Argentinian Gabriella Sabatini, pictured, graced the centre court with a combination of poise and charm which delighted us all.

Her passing backhand was delivered with a matchless elegance in a manner similar to that of contemptuously dismissing some hapless doomed suitor (of which there were many, I suspect).

I toyed with the idea of asking Mrs Thatcher to giver her the Falklands. All together now: "How sad is that?"

Sid Brown, Glenhurst Road, Shipley