SIR Stuart Hewitt calls upon me to be "even-handed" in my fight against racism and of course I am.

My family protested against Nazi persecution of the Jews when many people claimed stories about concentration camps were Communist propaganda.

It was my horror at Israeli racism against the indigenous Palestinians that caused me to re-evaluate my support for the Zionist state.

One of the first acts of terrorism in Palestine was the Stern gang massacre of the Palestinian inhabitants of Deir Yassin. Must I also condemn the 13 armed men who died defending their village against this attack?

The Israelis are using high-powered weaponry, much of it supplied by the United States, in attacks upon Palestinians, who are responding with home-made rockets constructed out of drainpipes.

I agree with Gandhi, who said an eye for an eye would make the whole world blind and I lament all who die as a consequence.

The Israelis claim to be attacking a neighbouring state without declaration of war because of terrorist attacks launched from its territory.

If this is civilised behaviour, why did the RAF not target IRA bases in the Irish Republic during the troubles?

Karl Dallas, Church Green, Bradford