SIR - With regard to Heather Pilkington's letter (T&A, July 11) "Let horses be" on Baildon Moor, I think she is looking at the situation through rose-coloured spectacles.

I have lived in Baildon 65 years and can say that in the last ten to 15 years there has been more damage done to the moor by horses than anything else.

Some days you can feel as though you have landed a bit part' in Custer's Last Stand, there are so many racehorses.

Why should people run racehorse studs, equestrian centres and the like free of charge?

Baildon Golf Club has nurtured and maintained a lot of the moor, paths, drainage, fairways, etc, for over 100 years and paid for the privilege.

So let Bradford Council come to its senses and charge other parties for the same. I'm sure taxpayers would agree. If not, Baildon Moor will end up looking like Salisbury Plain with-out the tanks in five years' time.

Johnny Rhodes, Glen Road, Baildon