SIR - Karl Dallas' long-standing love affair with Palestine is touching, as is his passionate embrace of anti-racism. But, like most idealists he always sees his preferred side of the argument.

Life is not as black and white as he portrays and neither are his perceived heroes and villains. A terrorist bomber no matter how just the cause, whether he/she is Catholic, Jewish, Christian or Muslim, is warped and evil.

To even consider the possibility of planting bombs with the express purpose of murder, with young children often in the firing line, is indescribably evil.

It's too prevalent nowadays for apologists to proclaim that it is understandable how people are driven' to it. As for Mr Dallas' anti-racism stance, I hope he is even-handed in his crusading.

One must be brave enough to be balanced when discussing world affairs and racism in general.

Stuart Hewitt, Harrogate Road, Eccleshill