SIR – Re the regeneration of shops in Bradford and Shipley. It saddens me that both Bradford and Shipley have been in decline for quite some time.

When one is presented with many closed businesses, there is no future and these areas turn into ghettos.

What is the secret of other booming cities? Could it be that they are encouraged to start businesses with incentives? Perhaps a peppercorn rent to see them through the first year? Maybe no rent until a profit is shown?

Bradford and Shipley shopping areas are in need of some forward-thinking. Bear in mind that more shops bring more shoppers and prevent a total run-down of the area.

Most locals would prefer to shop in Shipley and Bradford, but sadly there is an exodus to Leeds.

If other cities can encourage businesses, why can’t Bradford?

Trevor Williams-Berry, Bredon Avenue, Wrose, Shipley