SIR – On reflecting about the recent EDL rally in Bradford, I am of the opinion that they succeeded in their objective, They had terrific publicity before they came, and if anyone in Bradford had never heard of them before, they will now.

I do not believe the publicity of a protest to the Home Secretary was really necessary, as I am sure she is aware of the delicate community balance in Bradford.

On the arrival of the EDL, they were given the choicest site for their meeting, whereas the Bradford Together movement was shunted to the extremes of the city centre. Why could not the roles been reversed?

The EDL had massive police protection (which we will pay for later). We provided all the controversy, and all they did was turn up and, according to the police, were quite well disciplined.

They are the winners, as I will guarantee their membership has increased. For future reference, instead of all this useless ballyhoo, be more strategic.

Audrey Raistrick, Neighbourly Care (Bradford), Westgate, Eccleshill, Bradford