SIR – I note John Hall’s response to my letter (T&A, September 2) – ‘it’s nothing to do with us, it’s all down to the Labour Government and, of course, the Tories, because nothing bad appeared in the Lib-Dem manifesto.’ The Labour Government propped up failing banks which saved lots of ordinary people all their savings. This would not have happened under a Lib Dem government, according to John Hall.

The Lib Dems told us no increase in VAT, then David Ward voted for this saying monies could be used for the public sector.

We are then told £150k is to be taken from Bradford over the next five years, and that 5,000 jobs are to go in the public sector in this area, but David Ward says that’s okay because there will be 5,000 private sector jobs created. Where? Please tell us.

Having ruined Bradford, this very same coalition is setting about ruining the country.

Nothing in Bradford will have anything to do with the Lib Dems – it’s never them.

I am really pleased that I never had to be in a trench with the Lib Dems, because they would have to be shot first before the so-called enemy.

Ronnie Fieldhouse, chairman, Bradford East Constituency Labour Party