SIR – The T&A seems to report armed robberies and violent raids on domestic properties on a regular basis.

Your articles inevitably end with the same wording that the police are seeking information in order to identify and prosecute the criminals responsible.

It seems that the police rarely apprehend such robbers and dangerous offenders, but I did notice some progress being made on catching the ‘Mr Big’s of the criminal world as described in your newspaper last week whereupon a community support officer had confiscated a few grammes of tobacco and some cigarette papers from some 16-year-old kids in a local park.

It’s gratifying to see that the citizens of Bradford are being protected by the mighty forces of law and order – except that it isn’t illegal to smoke under age, but only illegal to sell tobacco products to under-age people.

However, I’m tempted to believe that the “illegal smokers” were really an armed and dangerous gang that have been terrorising Bradford and they have been outsmarted by our clever policing system, even if, in this case, a crime had to be invented to pin on them.

J Simes, Roundhill Close, Clayton Heights