SIR – According to the Government’s own website, the official description of conservation area is: “Areas of social, cultural and aesthetic history that must be safeguarded from indiscriminate or ill-considered change. These areas often contain listed buildings.

“However, it is not always enough to protect these buildings in isolation. Their surrounding and general environment is often of equal importance and conservation areas are intended to protect that environment.

“The designation of a conservation area indicates a council’s positive commitment to these areas, and its intention to preserve and enhance the qualities of the environment.”

I live in Micklethwaite near Bingley, where there are two applications due for imminent consideration.

Both involve building in and over conservation areas. The one with 450 houses, the Greenhill development, involves building on conservation areas around the canal and listed buildings.

The other is for 14 houses adjacent to the canal.

As a house owner in a conservation area, if I only prune trees without permission, I can be fined, however, the unique beauty of the village is maintained.

We in Micklethwaite hope that Bradford Council honors their role, the principle of conservation itself needs preserving.

John Findlay, Micklethwaite, near Bingley