SIR – Colin McPhee (Letters, June 4) claims that most folk who voted Conservative in Bradford are disgusted at the national Lib Dem/Tory coalition.

I don’t claim to be a mind-reader, but I would guess most Tories prefer a coalition to a Labour government. Let’s accept that most Tories voted for and did read the Tory manifesto. (I actually believe that most didn’t and never read the manifesto). To claim that the Tories are “being held to ransom” by the Lib Dems is plain silly. The fact is that by agreeing with the Lib Dems on so many points, Cameron can avoid “being held to ransom” by the extremes within the Tory party’s own internal “coalition”, particularly those on the right.

If democracy is about the rule of the majority, it is right that we should get to the point where the majority of voters are represented in Government.

Having had Labour and Tory governments ruling the roost with the backing of only 34 per cent of the vote has lead to growing dissatisfaction and disaffection, the time for change has been well overdue.

Councillor John Hall, (Lib-Dem, Windhill & Wrose) Pennithorne Avenue, Shipley