SIR – The Conservatives want to get at least two million people off the dole queues. We have been here before.

The Conservatives are wanting to make cuts in the public sector, meaning job losses. People who refuse to get or take a job get their benefits suspended. Is it really their fault when companies refuse to reply to job applications? The reason they don’t reply is because of expense.

The same applies for the job-hunter – no money for a 30-mile bus ride, no money for a housing transfer to another town or city where the jobs are, and the powers-that-be think they know it all and are right.

Previous governments have sold the workforce down the river with regard to jobs and training schemes.

Iain Duncan Smith should meet party members about jobs in Bradford. Would he accept my challenge of meeting me, having a talk, and showing him round the city? Will Margaret Eaton and John Pennington take me up on that point?

Martin Palliser, Waincliffe House, Laisterdyke