SIR – Once again the general and local elections are in the offing, but who do we vote for, who is going to do the best for the town and country?

What one needs to do is recap on what each candidate is promising or what they have promised before, and never carried out.

Manifestos are issued for each party, but what is a manifesto? “A public printed declaration of intent and policy issued by a government or political party.” Do they carry out what the manifesto says?

Tony Blair promised in his manifesto 2003/04 that he had no plans to introduce university top-up fees. After the election, one of the first things legislated was the introduction of university top-up fees.

Gordon Brown said on the Lisbon Treaty that there would be a referendum on this, then reneged on the promise.

I have always voted for the Labour Party and I have even voted for New Labour – this won’t happen at these elections.

Harry Watson, Cross Lane, Great Horton