SIR – As we have had ample proof during the past 30 years, ‘strong government’ (meaning rule by successive governments with huge majorities) does not necessarily mean ‘good government’.

It is more likely to produce ‘electoral dictatorship’, with parliamentary debate side-lined and total power wielded from Downing Street.

Many seem perturbed by the prospect of a ‘hung parliament’ (I favour ‘balanced parliament’ myself). But if such a balance means that whoever heads a government must consult a parliament restored as a debating chamber where decisions are arrived at by consensus – I’ll vote for that.

If it means that future governments must get Parliament’s consent before going to war – I’ll vote for that.

If it means that our civil liberties can no longer be eroded by government dictate – I’ll vote for that.

If it means that projects such as introducing ID cards and renewing the obsolete ‘Trident’ will be thrown out – I’ll vote for that.

If it means that we get a more representative electoral system, and so more balanced parliaments in future – I’ll vote for that.

The Liberal Democrats have been campaigning for these things for years – I’ll vote for them.

Stuart Ebden, Harewood Lodge, Harefield Close, Eastburn, Keighley