SIR – It is said that politicians are like babies’ nappies – they should be changed frequently and for the same reason.

There is some truth in that saying but, in another nursery analogy, we should be careful not to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

As we reflect on the party leaders’ TV debate, there is a risk of being unduly influenced by the staged performances of those three when, in fact, we never get the chance to vote directly for them.

Our role is limited to electing an individual constituency MP, and the real risk arises if the leaders’ TV performances translate directly into local votes.

If we accept this more ‘presidential’ measure, many constituencies may end up losing a potentially-excellent MP and electing a no-hoper, simply on the strength of someone else’s performance. And the losers then are the local voters.

By all means let us use the TV debates to understand the parties’ policies, but then add into the mix the personalities and performances of the local candidates of all the parties.

That way we get the best of both worlds and, hopefully, the best local MP in each seat.

Graham Hoyle, Kirkbourne Grove, Baildon