SIR After reading that the Council's Tory group has a new leader (T&A, May 9) I became puzzled by the Labour leader's comments.

He is quoted as saying: "There is a possibility that a coalition of losers could end up running the Council."

As Labour has the highest number of seats at 36 and lost in 54 seats, I should think this is more likely to prove a certainty.

Or does he suggest that a minority Labour-run Council should try to foist ideas on the rest and expect no opposition?

I don't think Councillor Greenwood can expect other parties to sit on their hands and let Labour call all the shots. His party appeared to follow this line when the Tories led the Council, so it would only be fair!

I hope that whatever happens, our councillors do one thing above all else get real!

John Hall, Pennithorne Avenue, Baildon, Shipley