SIR May I inform Malcolm Wood (T&A, May 10) that I have been saying the same on the few issues the BNP talks about long before they were an embryo?

Just because Mr Cameron adopts a "Vote Blue Go Green" slogan does not mean that I do!

I think 99.9 per cent of the population feels exactly the same over illegal immigrants, economic asylum seekers, criminals and the complete lack of any law and order.

However, electing BNP councillors, or even worse by voting BNP and letting in the "left" through the back door, is not going to change the law one bit. Councillors have absolutely no input to national policy save for a protest vote.

If we are seeking to remove this government then the issues of the economy, an over-taxed and over-regulated industry, health and pensions (especially those destroyed by Gordon Brown) need to be addressed also.

Hands up those who know the BNP's policies on these issues? I can supply you with the Conservative ones.

Coun Roger Taylor, (Con Northowram and Shelf, Calderdale), Glen Terrace, Halifax