SIR I am writing with regard to the article headed "Staff's attitude sparks concern" (T&A, May 5). I would like the opportunity to provide some context for your readers.

Like every hospital up and down the land, we want to ensure we are doing the best job we can in treating and caring for the 250,000 or so patients we see every year at the hospital.

The article refers to a Trust board meeting discussion considering the very important issue of how well we are living up to the high standards we set for ourselves.

We take very seriously comments, suggestions and ideas our patients have for improving our services. It is unfortunate the article did not put the comments into a context that would allow your readers to appreciate more clearly the nature of the issue.

Of the 250,000-plus patients who come into contact with our services every year, the overwhelming majority are satisfied with their care and treatment.

Airedale was judged "Small Hospital of the Year" based on the data such as was published in our governance report.

Between July and December, 2005, that report highlighted a dozen critical comments associated with staff attitude. Each of these is a matter of great concern to us.

This is why we collect this information, and why the Board places as much emphasis as it does on ensuring that we learn from these experiences.

Adam Cairns, Chief Executive, Airedale NHS Trust