SIR Having just read Dr Mohammed Iqbal's piece (T&A, May 9) I wish I could share his opinion of the BNP "never hijacking the greatness of Britain".

If the ostrich-like councillors make boasts pledging to freeze the BNP out of talks and refusing point blank to even acknowledge them then they will simply lose votes to them.

Everyone needs to wake up. We all know that the BNP have "other agendas" and "dark undertones" but up front they promise to tackle every single issue that the average man on the street feels needs addressing.

No' to asylum, yobbery, building on green belt, speed cameras, council tax increases; yes' to more police, fair council spending, celebrating British culture, curbs on immigration.

As long as our two main parties continue to pussy-foot around and pander to political correctness, the BNP will continue to thrive, to our peril.

Miss Anne Deelov, Raven Street, Bingley