SIR – With the approach of Spring we can look forward to seeing the Aire Valley’s beauty spots coming into their best again.

Unfortunately, this may not be the case in future years with the lovely canal side looking up to Rombalds Moor just beyond Bingley Five Rise Locks.

This is because the developers who have bought the Greenhill site between Crossflatts, Micklethwasite and Bingley intend to turn it into a large housing estate.

Quite apart from its beauty, this site is totally unsuitable for this purpose because of the difficulties of traffic access from the narrow lanes that would have to be used.

Already overloaded because of traffic generated from recent smaller housing developments, it makes no sense to go ahead with a scheme that will push the local road network to gridlock.

Quentin Deakin, Newark Road, Crossflatts, Bingley