SIR – Recently, Keith Thomson (Letters, January 4) stated that UKIP MEP Godfrey Bloom did not know the difference between weather and climate.

In a recent Enviro Watch (T&A, January 13), he shows he does not know what a Eurosceptic is by his remark about people who don’t like Europe. Europhobes don’t like Europe, Mr Thomson; Eurosceptics are opposed to a federalist Europe, which, I repeat, has unrealistic plans to cut emissions.

Those who do not agree with Mr Thomson on climate change are not ‘flat-earthers’; they accept that it is inevitable, but are not convinced that man is responsible.

Try tackling world population first, which is a bigger threat, possibly. Illegalise same-sex babies, IVF treatment and overhaul child adoption procedures. Put a tax on each child after the second and abolish child allowance after the second child and only pay it to those who need it. Food for thought, food for the starving!

Philip Bird, Nab Wood Terrace, Shipley