SIR – As the general election creeps up on us, recent stories in the T&A have made me realise that my main concern that could grab my vote is ‘Blair’s meal ticket’, the ‘criminals charter’ – the European Human Rights Act!

Any party that wishes to repeal this offensive legislation gets my interest and a possible vote – the others can forget it.

It’s been used to allow an immigrant drug smuggler a right to stay here, then, to insult all Bradfordians and police in one swoop, an immigrant that hid the killer of PC Sharon Beshenivsky has the right to stay!

I agree with MP Philip Davies that it has to be scrapped, but David Cameron isn’t exactly making his stance clear on the act and any alternative. When are our rights to drug/crime-free, murder-free society going to come first?

Surely when you commit a crime, you lose the vast majority of your ‘rights’. Surely if you are an immigrant who commits a crime, you should lose your ‘right’ to stay.

Thank God for Michael Downes, who said on the Beshenvisky ruling: “This individual is not fit to draw breath or tread the soils of this land. I am absolutely outraged at the decision…”

If you are angered, as I am, then remember who brought this act in, find which parties want it repealed, and instead of just moaning, use the one last free thing we have left to make changes – your vote!

G Drake, Sangster Way, Bradford