SIR – As a member of the Yorkshire Building Society, I was astonished at the news that it wants to merge with a ‘lame duck’ like the Chelsea.

That there is nothing in this proposed merger for the Yorkshire’s loyal savers comes as no surprise to me, especially after being offered a derisory interest rate of just 1.79 per cent to tie money up for 12 months not long ago.

A bank just over the road paid more than double that when I moved the funds, but what benefits will the senior executives get?

People must vote on this according to their conscience, but my vote will be firmly against, and if it does go through, the rest of my cash will be withdrawn as soon as it can be without incurring a penalty!

Bigger is not always better – look at the state of former Bradford & Bingley, etc.

D S Boyes, Rodley Lane, Bramley, Leeds