SIR – Thanks to the T&A for coverage of Bradford Nightstop’s busiest-ever day, Friday, June 6.

I thought readers might like an update on some of the young people we offered beds to.

Two have moved into flats, two into local authority temporary accommodation, one has gone back to the parental home on a temporary basis, one is temporarily staying with siblings, another is hopefully moving into a hostel and another went on to a squat.

Last week we had 38 referrals for 18 young people which demonstrates the depth of youth homelessness in this district.

Regarding the article (T&A, June 10), I wanted to clarify we only ever permit one young person to stay with a host at a time.

A host may have had three different young people across a weekend but the vast majority of our hosts would only wish to host one young person a week or fortnight.

Crucially, on five occasions last week we had to turn away a young person because we did not have a host available.

Hosts receive extensive initial and comprehensive ongoing training and support and are reimbursed for expenses.

Call (01274) 776888 or visit our website ( for details about volunteering.

Bev Johnson, Project Co-ordinator, Bradford Nightstop