SIR – Now that Bill Hughes, director-general of the Serious Organised Crime Agency, has confirmed what the majority of people have been saying for years – that most of this town’s heroin comes from Afghanistan via Pakistan (T&A, June 9) – can we now assume that members of this community will be targeted rather than have the Government-inspired, target-led restrictive practices we have now? As for controlling the passage through the post, isn’t it simple. As all flights and their contents are the property of the state until passing customs, they should have sniffer dogs over all items.

This would stop immediately. It is the same as all passengers from Caribbean countries having to go through human x-ray machines to eliminate drug mules. I know this will not happen as it’s not politically correct and would actually have an effect on the drugs trade, therefore putting all the people employed in “mopping up” afterwards, out of work – and we can’t have that can we?

The best line from Bill Hughes is that “drug trafficking poses the single greatest threat to Britain – more than terrorism”. Many drug profits are siphoned off to support terrorism so to deal with the drugs trade would have a secondary effect, but one thing if for sure, it isn’t green issues that are our main concerns! G Drake, Sangster Way, Bradford