SIR - Today, Leeds refuse collectors go on strike about unequal pay for men and women doing the same job, while the NUT recently went on strike about pay.

Is this the summer of our discontent? I can see over the next year a lot more low-paid workers going on strike.

Perhaps government ministers should stop thinking about their own pay packets and pockets and give some of that inflationary rise to the worst-off in our society who do just as much to keep this country's economy on a level playing field. They deserve the rewards of their hard labour.

Also there are more and more people trying to chase after the same jobs, at what cost to the local economy?

Instead of more service jobs there should be a start to invest in light industry.

This is what Yorkshire has been good at over the centuries and still produce the goods now.

Less talk and a little bit more action please on the job front, and the low paid can have a better standard of living.

  • Martin Palliser, Waincliffe House, Laisterdyke