SIR - The latest "Rich List" contains many clever businessmen. No-one should knock them for what they have achieved, especially in providing employment for so many.

However, what the list does not show is the vast difference between such people and the working man or pensioner where taxation is concerned.

We have taxes taken off our money before any is paid either in wages or pensions, whereas they can exploit numerous tax avoidance loopholes, often with the tacit agreement of our Government!

For example, many "Rich List" people are Foreign Non-Doms' who pay virtually no tax here as their money is hidden in offshore' accounts.

Others, in spite of proposed changes to Capital Gains Tax in the latest budget, were given time to put shares, etc, into trust funds' thus saving millions of pounds!

No-one minds paying some tax to provide essential services at local or national level, but when the wealthy want to pay a smaller proportion of taxes on their money than the poor, something is very wrong here.

  • D S Boyes, Rodley Lane, Bramley