SIR - Yet again the idiots of the "politically correct" brigade have managed to put a spanner in the works of what should have been a magnificent St George's Day parade, and in the process managed to bring disappointment to thousands of children and other Bradfordians.

The powers-that-be have put out a long-winded statement which smacks of the politician, i.e, it goes on and on and says very little.

Throughout the year we see a great many parades and festivities involving many faiths and cultures and they always go ahead with no problems.

We are informed that the decision of community representatives' at the meeting was to reject the route for the parade and for it to take place at a later date.

We are told that these events are to build community cohesion, well I can categorically inform these people that by banning such events, the reverse is the case.

Terry Tordoff, Calderstone Avenue, Buttershaw