SIR - The article on post offices (T&A, April 14) was based on supposition and not on factual information.

Closures are to be announced in May, until then nobody knows what will happen.

Many people complain about post office closures, yet pay bills via direct debit.

We can only support local post offices through footfall, so for them to remain open, people should be using their services thus making them viable business propositions. Merely signing petitions will not save the post offices in this country.

Five years ago, the Department for Work and Pensions made a deliberate move, persuading people to have pensions and allowances paid directly into bank accounts. Therefore there are too many post offices that aren't making enough profit out of the work available.

Jean Walker's view seems to be out of touch. Post offices are an integral part of every community, but are also businesses relying on profit.

Post offices should be pro-active and diversify to make business. MPs talk about saving the Post Office but have no suggestions on services for the business.

Rebecca Armstrong, Leafield Terrace, Eccleshill, Bradford