SIR - It is a year ago since around 2.6 million carers in the UK were given the right, under the Work and Families Act 2006, to request flexible working - designed to help carers stay in work.

Unfortunately, a year on, many employees are still unaware of this Act.

Carers have a lot to offer in their jobs and they must be supported. The alternative for them can be as drastic as having to give up their jobs, often leading to poverty and isolation.

The vast majority of carers are of working age and around three million regularly combine work and caring.

With the Prime Minister soon to announce a new national strategy for carers in this area, it's time employees questioned whether their employers are doing enough to help.

Research with employers has shown those who support carers in their workforce have lower staff turnover, reduced recruitment and retraining costs, improved productivity and reduced absenteeism.

It's crucial carers highlight the mutual benefits to their employers and gain the support they desperately need and deserve. Carers can visit or call the CarersLine on 0808 8087777 for more information.

Imelda Redmond, Chief Executive, Carers UK, Loman Street, Southwark, London