SIR - G Robinson (T&A, November 24) asks my political allegiance - any party that will work towards a more fair and equal country.

As Labour have failed to do that, I'm considering the Lib-Dems, who are for equality and against illegal wars.

Labour, like the Tories before them, have sold their soul to Rupert Murdoch.

I agree there is a group who already control the world - they're not shape-shifting lizards, but more down to earth people, big business and big media, like Rupert Murdoch.

It's the fact that these wealthy, dangerously powerful people have a common enemy - the EU - that I trust the EU far more than Murdoch-dominated British newspapers and politicians.

Try thinking beyond the national press - they live off stories, the more sensational the better. Truth comes a poor second.

Eric Firth, Wellington Street, Wilsden