SIR - The following recipe is from "The Yorkshire Kitchen" collected by members of St John's Ambulance, Harrogate, and their friends in 1973, the contributor being Lady Parkinson of Follifoot.

Moggie cake: 1lb flour, 6oz butter, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 egg, 1/2lb caster sugar, 1 teacup milk, 1/2lb treacle.

Warm the butter, treacle and milk. Mix in the flour and other ingredients. Bake in a slow oven.

My late wife added "for 25 minutes" and replaced butter with lard.

My Day Centre at St Columba's Church in Great Horton bake a very fine cake which I would call moggie but they call parkin.

I always associated parkin with a thin biscuit, e.g. parkin pigs. I must compare recipes with their cook.

Harry Poole, Shay Drive, Heaton