SIR - What is happening to our beloved country? Why has the pride and trust of the British nation gone astray?

Past and present governments have destroyed and undermined the people of this country.

We are constantly being subjected to ongoing government policies which are making a mockery of our ancestors who gave their lives and service for the right of freedom of speech and a better Britain for us all.

Now we seem to be in the hands of European decisions which, along with farcical decisions by our own Government, beggar belief.

People are unhappy with the Government's broken promises on nearly every major issue, political cover-ups and high-profile ministers ejected from top political positions only to reappear a short time later in more lucrative positions.

Then there are the Euro MPs who seem to be in such disarray as to who does what, and the ongoing gravy train' of lucrative salaries and expenses.

I would appeal to all parties that represent the British people, who gave you the democratic rights, to act on their beliefs and let us once again be a proud nation with MPs who do not sell us short and are respected by the British public.

George Gill, Paley Terrace, East Bowling