SIR - How pleased I was to read that the Lottery funding had turned down Bradford's application for a lake.

If I had been on the panel I would have had reservations if for no other reason that we are constantly threatened by climatic change.

It would be ironic if the city's population under threat of standpipes had to watch the city's lake and canal being pumped with the precious commodity.

Moreover I would like to ask how our Council was able to submit such a bid? I understood councils were forbidden by Lottery rules to make such an application.

When I attended Shipley Newstart, now defunct, we attempted to seek Lottery funding to keep the centre open but were told that the Council could not bid for this themselves, only a charitable organisation could make such a bid.

Which raises another point. Why cannot our cash-strapped NHS run their own lottery, thus allowing the gambling population to choose where their losses should go, good causes or the NHS which includes dentistry.

Elaine Neale, Gordon Terrace, Sherborne Road, Idle