SIR - Perhaps Brian Holmans (T&A, November 22) would do better to fully read the T&A report and opinion column regarding the campaign to make Saltaire plastic bag-free before writing nonsense in the letters column.

The campaign is intended to replicate what has already been introduced successfully in Hebden Bridge, whereby nearly all retailers have voluntarily agreed not to give away free disposable plastic bags with every purchase, but to instead promote the use of reusable, long-life alternatives.

The word voluntary', mentioned in both the article and opinion column but totally overlooked by Mr Holmans, is the key to success here.

If this resident and retailer-led initiative is successful it will go some way towards changing public behaviour, reducing unnecessary and wasteful consumption and at the same time reducing the cost of waste disposal to the Council and cutting some of the blight of litter on our streets.

Mr Holmans's so-called human right' to continue to waste natural and financial resources and cause litter will not be affected.

Coun Martin Love (Green, Shipley) City Hall, Bradford