SIR - Referring to the article Station upgrade' (T&A, November 6) and the observations made that: "access is a real issue at Shipley", may I bring to your attention an important omission which has been raised, and ignored, previously.

This omission is the need for direct pedestrian access from the Otley Road/Station Road junction to the station car park; rendering the long drag along Station Road redundant.

I get the impression that observations on this issue are made - and planned - by car users. I would point out that "two minutes" by car is one mile on foot.

Add to this the handicap of pushchair, wheelchair, crutches and the subways and we pedestrians are penalised.

We need easier access, just like the cars that can drive right up to the booking office and three of the five platforms.

My idea is for a "bridge" from the aforementioned junction to the Saltaire end of the station car park. The height at that point would clear the cables so that stairs and/or a ramp would be needed only at the station end.

Can someone plan and find the cash for this from the £370 million? Top of the agenda please!

Walter Metcalfe, Bradford Rail Users' Group, Central Avenue, Shipley