Sir - Once again the people of this country are going to suffer from being governed by what must surly be the most incompetent set of politicians in living memory.

The latest entry into their catalogue of incompetence is the ability to lose 25 million people's personal details - that is every person in our country who claims child benefit. You would think data of this importance might have been encrypted in some way, or possibly delivered by hand rather than relying on the post.

Let us remember what details are contained on this CD. They include bank details, the names and ages of our children and addresses. An early Christmas present for any criminal or paedophile!

Will you now all stand orderly in line and be measured up for your ID card and have your data input on an allegedly secure' government database?

Just imagine for one moment if this data was your ID data, your bank details, medical history, a copy of your iris and your thumbprint? You would have lost your identity forever, as it's not easy get a new iris or finger!

Jason Smith, UK Independence Party Bradford Chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury